Eating Healthy During the Monsoon

Everyone welcomes the transition from the scorching summer heat in the months of April and May to the misty and cool monsoons that start in the month of June. It also ushers in the season of endless cups of hot ginger tea and a ravenous appetite for everything junk and unhealthy. How many of us […]

Potential for honey and photobiomodulation therapy for the management of oral mucositis in paediatric cancer patients

A new sub-analysis of data from studies involving paediatric patients shows that the use of honey and photobiomodulation therapy in the management of oral mucositis has encouraging potential.  Oral Mucositis (OM) that occurs as a result of cancer therapy, such as chemotherapy (CT), radiotherapy (RT), radio-chemotherapy (RT-CT) and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), can cause […]

Ways to improve your child’s iron intake

Daily intake of different vitamins and minerals is essential to keep your kids healthy. However, this often does not happen, and many children end up having nutritional deficiencies. One of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world is that of iron. Iron plays a significant role in a child’s growth and overall health. It […]

How to increase physical activity in children with cancer.

With advanced treatment options and a holistic approach, childhood cancer is largely curable. However, it has been seen that about two-thirds of children who successfully fight cancer suffer from at least one physical or psychological after-effect of cancer treatment. ( It has also been seen that survivors are more vulnerable to diseases like diabetes, blood […]

What is a Neutropenic Diet?

For many years people have followed the neutropenic diet to help reduce the presence of bacteria in their diet. In this diet, one generally limits the intake of fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, raw or undercooked meats and fish, and soft cheese made from unpasteurized milk. The neutropenic diet has been suggested for people who are […]

Why your child should cut back on salt and sugar

Most children cannot live without sugar and salt; their taste palates are trained that way! Almost everything we eat and drink has these two ingredients. Imagine the amount of sugar and salt that we add into all that we prepare at home. Now, add all the other junk food and sugar-filled soda that we usually […]

10 ways to unlock better immunity in kids

Nothing pains a parent more than seeing their child fall easy prey to infectious diseases. While we do everything we can to take care of our child, a balanced diet can be the best weapon in our arsenal against infections. A healthy and balanced diet helps boost the immune system of a child and helps […]

Soya Tomato Pulao

Kids craving something tasty? This one-pot healthy recipe put together by our nutritionists packs in both flavour and protein. Soya chunks are known for their high protein content – even exceeding eggs, meat and milk! Tomatoes also have a wealth of vitamin and mineral content and when cooked release a cancer-fighting antioxidant. Hope you get […]